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Shelly's Book Journal

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The Civil War, Vol. 2: Fredericksburg to Meridian
Shelby Foote
Progress: 380/976 pages

"I Rode With Stonewall" by Henry Kyd Douglas - Excellent Civil War Memoir

I Rode with Stonewall - Henry Kyd Douglas

 This it the Civil War Memoir of Henry Kyd Douglas - who served the CSA for the entire war.  He shares his recollections of Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee, JEB Stuart and many other Union and Confederate officers. He also shares day to day life, the resilience of the army and the final deterioration. You won't find much of what he speaks of in history books.  While it's possible that he may have embellished his work, there is an unmistakeable larger truth about the war that rings clear.

The book was a slow starter, but once I got into it, I could hardly put it down.  I found myself filled with different emotions through it.  The battles were full of heartbreak, but the character of the author and his fellow soldiers along with their relationships was quite heartwarming. Douglas takes a lot of small rabbit trails in his discussions, but it only adds to the charm or the work. A must read for Civil War Buffs.