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The Civil War, Vol. 2: Fredericksburg to Meridian
Shelby Foote
Progress: 380/976 pages

John Adams

John Adams - David McCullough What do you know about John Adams? Probably not as much as you should. As one of our Founding Fathers, Adams had exceptional courage to step forward and do the right things in the midst of the Revolution. He served overseas for 10 years as ambassador to France and England, also negotiating with the Netherlands for loans for the new nation. As a President wedged between Washington and Jefferson, he is sometimes almost forgotten. Probably his greatest Presidential achievement - peace with France. In his latter years surrounded by family and friends, he rekindles his broken friendship with Jefferson via letters. His relationship with Abagail is legendary, his legacy is ours - "Independence forever."Wow, this was another fantastic Revolutionary biography. The author admits it started out as a book about the Adams/Jefferson relationship and certainly there is much about Jefferson in the pages, if only to serve as a contrast/comparison to who Adams truly was. While it's not a full body in depth bio, it certainly enlightens the read to discover the essence of the real Adams and much about Abagail. We begin to understand some of the conflicting personalities of the Revolution and the challenges of starting a new country. Adams was not a soldier, but a thinker, a politician, a negotiator and a statesman. And a farmer. There is much to love about him - even in his recognition of his own flaws. Loved this book. Highly recommend to everyone - it's a big book, but the truth of our past is so refreshing.