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Shelly's Book Journal

The 3 Rs: Reading, Reviews & Recs.

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The Civil War, Vol. 2: Fredericksburg to Meridian
Shelby Foote
Progress: 380/976 pages

Midnight in Austenland: A Novel

Midnight in Austenland: A Novel - Shannon Hale Charlotte is a single Mom who is still upset about the way her marriage ended. After reading some Jane Austen books one weekend, she decides to go on vacation to Austenland to attempt to move on with her life. While a guest, there is a murder mystery going on as part of the action, but is it really a mystery and who could possibly be the murderer? I think I liked this one better than the first one, as the subplot of the murder mystery brought more to it. It was nice to see some of the same characters, and yet have new plots introduced. I hope that she continues on with this series.