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Shelly's Book Journal

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The Civil War, Vol. 2: Fredericksburg to Meridian
Shelby Foote
Progress: 380/976 pages

Does This Church Make Me Look Fat?: A Mennonite Finds Faith, Meets Mr. Right, and Solves Her Lady Problems

Does This Church Make Me Look Fat?: A Mennonite Finds Faith, Meets Mr. Right, and Solves Her Lady Problems - Rhoda Janzen Rhoda Janzen - you know the Mennonite in the Little Black Dress - has a come to Jesus moment that changes just about everything. And herein she shares that story with humor. She recounts the way that God called her and the things she learned about faith through trials and tribulations, joys, heartache and every day life.I loved this book. Because Rhoda sees things with clarity. She recognizes her fears, mistakes and takes many, many leaps of faith. She finds peace in her God and that's enough. I love how she relates every conversion moment, back to something else that happened. Even the chapter on tithing said, "Here's what is being taught" but we found our way though it step by step.And who doesn't love the story of a Mennonite girl growing up in her faith? Very good stories, and an inspiring faith. I totally didn't expect this book to be what it was, but in the end I am grateful for what it says.My faith haiku:Foundations in guiltFreed by the blood of JesusA full of faith life