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Shelly's Book Journal

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The Civil War, Vol. 2: Fredericksburg to Meridian
Shelby Foote
Progress: 380/976 pages

A Discovery of Witches

A Discovery Of Witches (All Souls, #1) - Deborah Harkness I liked this book a lot. And I would give it a 3.5 star rating. I loved the characters and the rich detail and the plot, but what I don't like is the pacing of this story. The story itself reminds me of one of her vampire characterizations - she's in no hurry to get there. I'm sure that by the time she has finished the other two volumes of the trilogy, the story will feel complete, but this book just left me feeling like it was an introduction of what was to come. And frankly, if I'm going to read a 700 page book, I want more than that. Yes, there were some climactic and dramatic moments, but they were short and easily resolved. The last 150 pages were easily a preparation to the next part of the story.This is one thing I do not like about trilogies, series, etc. I still want each book in itself to have a compelling story in it. So many times along the way, "Discovery" lost me.Overall, I did want to find out what happened. I loved how she wove history into the fabric of this story, alleging that famous historical figures were actually "creatures" and yet "humanizing" history in the process. I think my favorite character is in fact Matthew's mother, although every character is unique and interesting. Their stories give a lot of "flavor" to this book. I think I enjoy Harkness's take on Vampires more than most of the vamp stuff I've read. Perhaps she is through in her explanation of things, and thus the reader might feel like a full understanding has been reached. Big plus was also that the vamps did not seem so fueled by sexual lust, or even bloodlust. There was a more civilized side to them.I will read #2 when it comes out.Added on 4/18/2012Just finished this book for the second time in preparation of the new one, realizing I have forgotten most of the story. I enjoyed it more the second time through, as I was not racing to find out the conclusion, but stopped and soaked in all the details - of which there are many.This year in our classroom, we have studied the middle ages to 1800, and that knowledge really helped me put the book in perspective more than a year ago. Funny how that happens. For some reason, I missed a lot of what the books was about during the first go around. Was it the missing historical details, or was it more time to dwell on the characters?I still did not like the conclusion of the book - really a set up for the next book. Although full of important details - it is really kind of a let down in a way. You know more or less that this part of the adventure is over, and everyone is dispersing. I wish there was a better way to do it. I am definitely ready for #2!!!!