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Shelly's Book Journal

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The Civil War, Vol. 2: Fredericksburg to Meridian
Shelby Foote
Progress: 380/976 pages

Mr. Revere and I: Being an Account of certain Episodes in the Career of Paul Revere,Esq. as Revealed by his Horse

Mr. Revere and I: Being an Account of certain Episodes in the Career of Paul Revere,Esq. as Revealed by his Horse - Robert Lawson This is the story of the events preceding the American Revolution told through the eyes of Sherry, a British born horse who will end up working with Paul Revere on his famous midnight ride.The book is quite humorous at times, and since a horse is telling it, there are lots of other details about Boston, the British and the American colonists that make this story delightful. I am not sure the historical accuracy of some things, but overall just a fun book to cap off our Revolutionary War studies.