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Book Review: "Wishing on Willows" by Katie Ganshert

Wishing on Willows - Katie Ganshert

 Title: Wishing on Willows (Read an excerpt.)


Author:  Katie Ganshert


Genre:  Christian Romance


Series:  Doesn’t indicate a series, but is a companion book to Wildflowers from Winter


Publisher:  WaterBrook Multnomah


Rating:  4 of 5 stars


Summary: Robin Price has lost plenty. Her husband Micah’s death 4 years ago is something she has never really gotten over. Raising their son Caleb alone and running the “dream” cafe that she and Micah always talked about is more than enough for her. When developer Ian McKay comes to town, he wants to buy out the cafe to build condos that may revitalize this small town of Peaks. But will Robin give up her dreams to let him do that? McKay has his own past to deal with as he pursues this venture, and it rears it’s ugly head as he tries to push his way through to close the deal.

This book is a companion story to Ganshert’s Wildflowers from Winter. Robin made a secondary appearance in that story with the loss of her husband being a factor that drew Bethany back to Peaks. Now it is Robin’s grief and circumstances that have the reader’s attention.


Again Ganshert gives us a character full of emotion. Robin is still grieving, not only her husband,but the loss of the life she should have had. She is on auto pilot – doing what she needs to do for her son, her cafe and the ministries she is involved in. And while she has friends to help her out and push her along, she feels like she doesn’t need pushing. Her one outlet is playing the piano, where she fully lets her emotions swirl.

Ian McKay is supposed to be the “dirtbag” developer – money grubbing. But when we get a peek at his character, we realize he too is broken, going through the motions and has his ladder on the wrong wall. Even his bid to make the deal is to save the jobs of others in his company. How can we dislike him?


I love, love, love Ganshert’s small town charms and characters – the place where everyone knows your name and your business. No one plays games, it’s all out in the open. The Christian theme of this story is really “God will provide in all things.” We see each of the characters having their own faith struggles in trying to understand circumstances and make decisions – even minor characters. Church and ministry are front and center here.


Overall this was a wonderful and feel good read, one that will make you believe that good things can come out of bad things and that time can heal wounds. I would call it light-christian-chick lit. The message was not new, but a pleasant reminder that sometimes what we want is not always what we need. I look forward to future books in this series and am guessing that Amanda’s story will be next on the list for this inspirational author.


Recommend for: Lovers of Christian chick lit and romance.


Note: I was provided a review copy by the publisher. All opinions expressed are my own.